Our History

The Old Town of Millersburg was laid out by Adam Johnson and Charles Miller of Coshocton County, Ohio, in November 1815. It was located at the north side of the northwest quarter of Section 12, township 9, range 7 adjoining the School Lands, and very near the northwest corner of said quarter section. The Northwest corner, lot 1, was a little over the hill towards the present mill dam and the northeast corner, lot 9, was about 100 steps west of the present Wooster Road. The center of the town was very nearly the center of Walkups Addition. The principal streets were Bridge, High and Market, each 4 rods wide. The direction of the former was east and west, and ll rods south of the School land; and was located on the State Road east and west through the county, that crosses the Killbuck near the present mill dam.

The direction of High and Market Streets were north and south. High was located on the State Road from Coshocton to Wooster. This road was a little to the east of the Maxwell (Balk Eagle) Mills, and up the steep bank near, but east of T. J. Cary’s cottage house; and a little to the east of the old one and a half story frame buillding, commonly known as the Witheros and Teisher house. Market Street was parallel with High, and located 32 rods to the east of it. After the settlement of the town most of the travel from the south went up Market Street. There were other streets and alleys, but I trust those mentioned will give the reader a correct idea of the location and size of the OLD Town. The proprietors did not sell any lots in the Old Town until the beginning of 1819, and then deeds were not executed, the purchasers holding under a title-bond. In April 1821. the question of the new county and the moving of the town to the south side of Section 12 was the topic. These obstacles were great “draw-backs” to the settlement of Old Town.

Thomas Haskins was the first settler on the town plat, settling there in the Spring of 1819, on lot 21, corner of Bridge and High Streets. In the Spring of 1820. James Withrow erected a one-and-a-half story building on Lot 33 cornering on Bridge and High Streets and diagonally across them from the Haskins tavern.

In the Fall of 1820 a cabin was erected in the northeast corner of the town for a school house. Joseph Edger of Berlin, taught a school in that winter, and was the first school kept in the town. During that winter the Rev. Harper, a Presbyterian minister, preached in the School House which was the first sermon delivered in Millersburg. On April 8, 1824, Andrew Johnston and Charles Miller filed a plat for the present town of Millersburg. “New Town” as it was referred to was situated south east of the original town of Millersburg (Old Town) The new plat laid out 194 lots. The center of this plat consisted of a block for public use. The main East – West Street was named Jackson. 

The North of this was Clinton and to the South was Adams. The North-South streets were Mad Anthony, Washington, Clay, Monroe and Crawford with the main intersection being Clay and Jackson. The first two residences in the town were build by James French and William Painter. When Millersburg was accepted as the county seat of the newly formed Holmes County it began to prosper.

These excerpts were taken from the HISTORY OF MILLERSBURG by George Newton and LET’S BUILD A TOWN AND CALL IT MILLERSBURG from the Holmes County Heirs, March April 1987.